*In visiting multiple people who formerly lived in New Jersey, I cannot begin to say how proud I am to see WKBJ alumni with families, houses, children, education, careers, functioning in diverse surroundings.
*My laptop was never touched; instead I read “The Attic Child.” Physical newspapers (my addiction continues) awaited my return to New Jersey and the sight of leaves which had fallen in my absence.
*Israel, at war, has declared that “every city resident will be able to get an armament license.” What is needed are the following: medical approval, police approval, and passing an exam for carrying private firearms. In the USA, supposedly at peace unless you check the mass shooting data, you can walk into a gun store and for $800 or so come out with an AR-15 killing device.
*One point of contention in Uvalde is whether to maintain, seemingly in perpetuity, the plaza memorial to the 18 students and three teachers slain on May 24, 2022 or erect a memorial at the new school being built to replace Robb Elementary, where the massacre took place. Many therapists believe there needs to be a shift toward a focus on the mental health of those in affected families, friends, and the community at large, recognizing that there is no closure.
*Is the slope of TechnoWorld’s penetration into our lives terribly dissimilar from increases in single-parent families or teenage suicides?
*It appears there are at least four issues where one can win a debate and change nobody’s mind:guns, immigration, charter schools, and abortion.
*An interesting, and chilling, book is “End of the Myth,” about the country’s continuous redefinition of what a border has meant, and the dominant negative pathology behind the process.
*An Amazon truck is inscribed: “that thing you want, it’s in here.” Tangible stuff defines us. Yup.
*As we add highway lanes, humungous warehouses, and individual storage centers, do we make offsetting financial contributions to all the “we must save the planet” organizations?
*Is it the USA or the world overall that is like a Slinky or an Achilles tendon? You can stretch them carefully and they will return to their normal states, no problem. However, if you stretch a Slinky too far, you have a mangled mess. When you stretch an Achilles too far, the resultant rupture is painful.