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Daily Archives: October 11, 2023

The Green and Gold Society

Everyone will agree that people should be treated equally, regardless of their circumstances. Hence each of these color-blind policy dictates and requirements is to be applied across the board, no exceptions.


*In order to help save the planet, all people shall either own an electric vehicle or use public transportation. Approximately 80% of Green and 20% of Gold are able to buy a vehicle.


*In the belief that owning a house is correlated with a more stable society and that reducing the debt load is conducive to maintaining that ownership, all buyers must put down 10% cash when they purchase a house. About 70% of Green and 10% of Gold are able to buy a house.


*Clothing stores at the nation’s malls have instituted a policy of random searches in order to combat shoplifting. Some 50% of those searched are Green and 50% are Gold.


*All school systems within a given state shall receive the same per-pupil funding allotment. Allowable non-school spending for educational add-ons: private lessons, trips, summer camps, etc. shall be capped at 25% of the school allotment. 50% of Green and 10% of Gold are able to use some or all of this benefit.


*In order to most economically deploy local police department personnel in combatting street drug traffic, they will focus entirely on urban areas; 15% of Green and 75% of Gold will be affected.


*Mental health is an issue of growing concern, with well-known personalities going public with their situations. Studies have indicated that interaction with a psychologist of their own ethnicity is favorable for a patient. Green connects on 95% and Gold on 5%.


*The state police have cracked down on speeders on interstate highways: the issuance of tickets has been 50% Green and 50% Gold.


*Creating the most cost-effective route for the urban portion of an interstate highway requires the relocation of some people. Around 15% of Green and 50% of Gold are affected by the route.


At what point is it reasonable for Gold to think the deck is stacked against them, perhaps even reflecting a bit of antagonism by Green toward Gold? Can a technically impartial policy or requirement be in fact a convenient, legally enforceable way for Green to keep Gold subservient?


P.S. Why are the 50%-50% outcomes above unfair?







Most people I know are either good communicators or at least have an understandable pattern in their response to an inquiry. Occasionally, an exemplary individual lapses into a mode of non-communication.

In trying to figure out the reason for this non-communication, below I have listed a baker’s dozen of possibilities in alphabetical order:


Family problem

Friend situation

Health issue


Homework comes first

In jail

Making a Complete Change in one’s life and deferring communication until all the details are in place


No Internet available

Out of the Country

Phone and laptop both out of service


Saving Good News for another time

Self-description as being a disappointment to others

Taking a break to work and save money for the next phase of life


Question: which of these reasons make it impossible for person X to respond to an inquiry from person Y with a two sentence informative communication?


Personality and Process Profile

On Wall Street, I was a partner in a relatively small, but highly regarded, money management and institutional research firm. In December of 2022, the founder and managing partner passed away at the age of 96. My last lunch with him was shortly before the onset of the pandemic. We ate in his office; he was mentally sharp while struggling a bit physically. We had kept in touch over the thirty years since I left the firm to initiate my education foundation endeavors.

Back in the day, as we would pore over all the facets of a company and its top executives, it became evident that there was a personality and process profile worth noting. I put together the following succinct list. It should be apparent as to our preference.

Long studies                       Short memos

Fluff                                       Facts

Egotistical                            Self-deprecating

Spender                               Innovative capital expenditures

Average Health                  Physically fit


Spread out                          Concentrated

Gourmet                              Simple eater

Speechmaker                     Questioner

Long Answers                    Short

Imprecise                             Articulate


Conceptual                         Concrete

Earnings                               Cash Flow

Methodical                         Energetic

Serious                                 Engaging

Staff                                       Individual


Overhead Money             Product and marketing money

Calculus                                Simple math

Growth                                 Wealth creation

Manager                              Owner

Philosophical                      Numerical


Fuzzy Pay                             Big incentives

Small Talkers                       Business talk

Political                                 Direct

Flashy                                    Conservative

Reward                                 Risk


Even with the advent of social media and the centrality of TechnoWorld, the list above seems useful. As Warren (you know his last name) says, investing is not like baseball where three strikes and you are out. With investing, you can wait, sometimes for a lengthy period, until you find the people and company with whom you want to be associated as a long-term shareholder.