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Cannot Buy It

This is an essay about what you cannot buy at a store or anyplace else. Faith Hurtado (14) and Bob Howitt (considerably older) wrote alternating sentences about the capitalized words.

 RESPECT can’t be bought but is earned and not always deserved.

Nobody can buy PASSION because it is something that is within a person.

ANIMALS, although they are adorable, most are meant to be free running in the sun. Happy in the wild.

People may define individual EQUALITY differently. All agree it is impossible to purchase at a store

HUMANS can’t buy humans. They aren’t tools, toys, or objects. Especially not in a store. That’s cruel.

The DEAD cannot be purchased or disturbed except if they have designated organs to be donated.

LOVE can’t be bought. Sometimes, we have to accept it. Sometimes we lack it. Sometimes we lose it. Sometimes we demand it. Can’t be bought.

MONEY can be bought but first you need money that you earned and did not buy.

STABLE MENTAL HEALTH, though at this point, it seems no one has it. You can’t buy it.

HAPPINESS is defined by each individual for themselves. It cannot be bought, even though people sometimes think so.

OPINIONS can’t be bought. Especially because they come in all varieties. Some that should not be respected, some that could change the world.

CURIOSITY is a great characteristic, of limitless value and not available for purchase on Amazon or at the mall.

JUSTICE is something you fight for. Unfortunately we can’t buy it because there’s too much we need to fight for.

VALUES like honesty or thoughtfulness or reliability come without a price tag. No store can sell them to you.