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2021 Graduates

  • Graduates in the year 2021: 
  • What an interesting group, hailing (though not necessarily commuting!) from New Jersey to New York to Nepal. The diploma range is from a two-year degree to graduate school. Some of you took a straight-line route, some had a change or two along the way as you decided on your next step.
  • All of you are working in some capacity already, with the majority simultaneously attempting to figure out life after graduation: will that first regular employment be “just a job” or a stepping stone toward your desired career. 
  • Some of you have graduate school in mind, but not necessarily right away, knowing that such a step probably would be the most intentional education decision you have ever made.
  • All have persevered through a pandemic that turned your lives, and/or those of your families and friends, upside down. 
  • All have dealt with the pluses and minuses of your particular school, at times thinking it was the best choice ever and at other times wondering why you ever enrolled there.
  • All have lamented the lack of clear communication from schools during the various changes dictated by the pandemic.
  • Most important is that each of you has become more self-reflective, more aware of who you are as a individual, your uniqueness, and your ability to become the person you want to be. In a society and world where lack of self-knowledge can quickly get one labeled and grouped, the ability to “know thyself” is more important than ever.
    As the country gets more vaccinated, I hope to break bread with you and get completely caught up.  I realize that your graduation ceremonies themselves will be restricted attendance, if any, a bummer for sure.