Christmas Wish List
- All DACA young people received ten-year green cards
- An increased number of professors liked teaching more than doing research or writing
- Aaron Judge led the Yankees to a World Series championship
- All the families and WKBJ alumni who have welcomed me into their homes and hearts knew how much I value being part of their lives
- Amazon and pornography were not so readily accessible
- Acceptance of alternative lifestyles did not seem to require actually liking them
- A Universal Basic Income policy received more attention as an alternative/modification of our current welfare system
- Angela, Juan, and Camilo find happiness in Houston
- Babies were born to two equally committed, loving parents
- Barnes & Noble is serious about having more books and fewer toys and games in its stores
- Colleges reworked their model to sharply lower their cost of attendance
- Capital punishment was abolished, replaced by a mandatory life sentence and a requirement to listen for 10 hours every day to Christmas carols and WFAN sports legend, Mike Franscesa
- Christian Pulisic becomes the leading goal scorer for Borussia Dortmund
- Claudia and Patricia never lose their smiles
- David Wright retires from active status and reappears as a major league manager
- Daylight Savings Time was abolished
- Dealing with the country’s systemic poverty would be the task of all of us
- Distinctions could be drawn between accidental situations and malfeasance
- Damaris finds joy in her new job
- English remains the official language of government at each level above that of county
- Every student being helped by the WKBJ Foundation accomplishes his or her goal
- Former United States Congressmen were barred from being lobbyists or deriving financial benefit by associating with lobbyists for ten years
- Faith is always Faith, the most unique young girl I have ever met
- Fewer people found solace in both legal and illegal drugs
- Fundamentalist religion stations were not disproportionately represented among the nation’s high powered radio outlets
- Facts mattered and the “New York Times” labeled more of its “news” stories as op ed pieces
- Grace was not reserved for special occasions
- Hillary’s geography advisors had identified middle America and contacted people there
- Isms were never used as word endings in describing complex philosophies
- Immigrant advocacy organizations publicly supported the deportation of undocumented individuals who have been convicted of felonies
- It was as difficult to get a gun permit as it is to get past the security desk at JP Morgan
- In the next presidential election, there was somebody I could vote for
- JJ, MZ, and KM get their books published
- Jay is successful in beating back the GEICO advertising onslaught
- Kindness was a habit, not an occasion for a photo op
- Katie’s extended stay in South America is as rewarding as hoped
- La Sierra, which sells coffee for $1.45, would expand and Starbucks would contract
- Local job-creating entrepreneurs received as much attention as lottery winners
- Lionel Messi comes to the MLS to finish his career
- Mariana is able to put Mindfulness into Action in Ecuador
- More than 1/3 of full-time employees were engaged in their jobs
- My family, whom I love completely, forgives me for my past transgressions and realizes they had nothing to do with parental love
- Marijuana was freely available to everybody suffering from cancer
- My small town newsstand had so much demand for the “Wall Street Journal” that it had to stock more than one copy
- My adherence to MyFitnessPal does not wane
- More social value decisions were made at a level of government below that of Washington
- My basketball assist to turnover ratio does not dip below 2.5 and my shooting below 45%
- Non-profit foundations had automatic closure dates 33 years from inception
- Nora gets accepted at a college of her choice
- One day per week, chosen by the individual, was dedicated to not buying anything
- President Trump selects which of his residencies he would like to occupy long term as a private citizen, beginning immediately
- People regarded their iDevices as means to various ends, not ends in and of themselves
- PW, CG, and DO learn enough English to pursue their careers
- Pete Rose is inducted into the newly-named “Scoundrel” wing of the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame, where he is joined retroactively by Ty Cobb et al
- Parents put their phones away when eating with their children
- Queries elicited answers
- Religious/media/entertainment/political hypocrites were publicly stoned
- Somebody had a plan for confronting the country’s numerous financial and social challenges
- Soda beverages were seriously taxed
- Some inspirational topic besides jobs would be a co-centerpiece of a political platform
- Schools had no governance labels, there was universal transparency and complete school choice
- Somebody would devise a healthcare plan with valid accounting principles
- Tax reform would (a) treat all types of income the same, (b) institute a wealth tax, (c) increase the number of estates subject to tax, (d) mandate a minimum cash rate for corporate taxes, and (e) ease the way through a three-way split among company, IRS, and stockholders for the repatriation of American corporate cash currently held abroad
- There were fewer lawyers, especially in Congress
- Tweeting was restricted to birds and emergencies
- True environmentalists began their proselytizing by selling their second homes
- The word “like” could not be used by teenagers
- The Door offered even more value-added programs to its young people
- The “f” word was treated as a valued component of dialogue and therefore reserved for situations involving exceptionally strong emotions
- Those I love – heck, even those I do not love — have a healthy 2018
- The United States could not enter a war without each supporting Congressman having an extended family member in the military or National Guard
- Tom Brady, Roger Federer, and LeBron James could play forever
- Uncommon Schools finds and trains enough teachers to continue delivering a high quality education to its students
- Vanity was restricted to those who have accomplished something; actually, it should be avoided
- We judged people on the “content of their character,” not their pigmentation
- We ceased adding car lanes when the whole approach to transportation is changing
- XYZ gets more work done on “An Outlier Individual”
- Youthfulness was recognized as not being exclusive to the chronologically young
- Zzzzzzz: sleepy at last; enough 6am creativity