Curiosity Project
Phase One: I sent the open-ended questions below to a half-dozen students.
*How does Google affect your level of curiosity?
*Describe what it is in life that you are most curious about; how do you satisfy that curiosity?
*Is curiosity purely an individual endeavor or can it be stimulated through group discussions?
*Which geographical area of the world are you most curious about? Why?
*Do you think curiosity among young people is rising, falling, or staying the same? Why?
*What is the impact of social media on curiosity?
*What are examples from your own life that have brought you, or somebody you know, unusual positive or negative results as a consequence of being curious?
Phase Two: I sent the specific inquiries below to four students, whose replies are indicated.
What % of Hillary voters stopped using UBER because of its treatment of women?
4 … 4 … 17 … 7
What % of Trump voters stopped using UBER because of its treatment of women?
2 … 1 … 3 … 3
If zoning laws permitted it, what % of homeowners having at least two acres would welcome a homeless person living there in a separate mini-house (200 sq. ft)?
1 … 11 … 10 … 2
In a gated community, what % of the residents would vote in favor of forced ethnic diversity?
6… 17 … 5 … 7
What % of contributors to environmental groups are owners of multiple residences and cars?
15 … 67 … 40 … 15
What % of the billionaire members of the Giving Pledge would fund a non-profit, healthy food supermarket in a public housing neighborhood?
30 … 28 … 60 … 15
What % of millennials would not buy the newest iPhone because doing so contributes to income inequality (Apple’s leading shareholders get even richer)?
2 … 6 … 35 … 3
What % of the members of the NY Times Editorial Board would welcome a Syrian refugee into their house to live for an undetermined length of time, without asking any questions whatsoever?
45 … 0 … 40 … 3
What % of the media would be fired for using the N-word?
65 … 70 … 30 … 32
What % of the Trump administration would be fired for using the N-word?
0 … 0 … 10 … 7
Phase Three: I sent the specific inquiries below to four students; initially, replies were inadequate . Then I provided bracketed choices: 0-10% (which meant I put the answer at 5%), 11-25% (18%), 26-50% (38%), and >50% (75%). This brought in more inputs.
What % of students regard colleges as businesses?
33 … 18 … 38 …75 … 75 … 75
What % of music executives would reject a song full of obscenities and disrespect to women?
38 … 5 … 9 … 5 … 18 … 18
What % of whites help minorities because the former feel guilty over historical misdeeds?
18 … 75 … 18 … 5 … 18 … 5
What % of Hollywood executives would reject a violent movie theme because they are in favor of tighter gun control?
50 … 5 … 5 … 18 … 5 … 18
What % of people change their minds after learning more about the facts of immigration?
85 … 18 … 5 … 75 …18 … 38
What % of people believe that the Far Left and the Far Right are similar in their likelihood to engage in violence?
90 … 18 … 18 … 38 … 38 … 5
Response to Open-ended Questions (1 of 6)
1: Google affects my level of curiosity in a positive way because whenever I am curious about a topic whether it involves symptoms I may be experiencing to information on other countries I know Google has answers. It makes me more curious to think about anything because it is such an easy access and I know I’ll get the answers in less than a minute and that’s incredible. It makes it easier for me to be curious.
2: One thing I am most curious about is the future, not necessary my future but the future in general. For example, I am always thinking about how much technology will affect generations after me. My mother always says “when I was your age I didn’t have this or that” the this and that is cell phones, google, social media. I am always thinking about what will be my “this” and “that”, what will I say to my children in the future. I feel like we have everything right now, advanced smart phones. Technology just keeps advancing and it makes me thinks how fast and complex technology will get in the future. I satisfy my curiosity by keeping up with technology, at least I try too. I also enjoy watching the show “Black Mirror” the episodes have to do with what the future might be. It is a very interesting show.
3: I think curiosity can definitely be personal however, it can also be stimulated through group discussions. It should be encouraged more because we should be open to other’s curiosity because it can feed our curiosity and or start up other curiosities.
4: I am most curious about Egypt, I always wonder how the pyramids are being preserved and curious about the culture there.
5: I feel like the level of curiosity is staying the same or falling in certain areas (geographically), most teenagers don’t challenge themselves, they just want to follow the crowd and not think for themselves. However, that is not every person, there are others who question everything and that curiosity leads them to good things. I feel like it has to do a lot with who you surround yourself and the experiences you experience.
6: Social Media does have an impact on curiosity, social media can lead to changes in your curiosity. Nowadays, there is so much on social media and that can definitely encourage you to challenge your curiosity and make changes in the world.
7: I have challenged myself to being more curious, and one positive consequence that I have gained from being curious is looking at careers. I know I’d like to work with children and recently I took the time to research careers in the medical field that engage children, I got a variety of careers and it opened up choices. It is also a sort of negative consequence because now I have many more choices and I have to start narrowing it down. Another example of an unusual negative is a friend of my mine was curious about a fight that was occurring outside, she went outside never expecting what would result of her curiosity. As she was outside she received a bullet on her lower abdomen and since then she’s still having health issues due to that day and her curiosity.
Response to Open-ended Questions (2 of 6)
*How does Google affect your level of curiosity?
Google helps fuel our curiosity because when we search one thing thousands of links appear using different words providing greater information. Google’s settings help predetermine what kind of words people are going to search from the minute they write the first word. This influences the order people choose to search words in as it produces different search results.
*Describe what it is in life that you are most curious about; how do you satisfy that curiosity?
I am most curious about the different kinds of people that live in the world. I satisfy this curiosity by trying to get involved, so that I can meet lots of different people. All the service trips I have been on have taught me so much about how people appreciate different aspects of life and have made me truly admire other cultures.
*Is curiosity purely an individual endeavor or can it be stimulated through group discussions?
I think that curiosity is an individual endeavor that can be stimulated through group discussions. An individual must want to be engaged in conversation in order for them to be intrigued to further discuss a topic. Most times curiosity starts with an individual who has questions or simply wants to learn more about a certain subject.
*Which geographical area of the world are you most curious about? Why?
I most curious about Africa, I feel that it is one of the most talked about continents, but people know the least about it. I want to learn about the different languages, cultures and the people who live throughout the continent because each country is different.
*Is the level of curiosity among young people is rising, falling, or staying the same? Why?
I think the level of curiosity among young people is falling because of social media. Everyone is so consumed by social media they tend to believe everything that they see without questioning.
*What is the impact of social media on curiosity?
Social media has led curiosity to decrease. We are living in an internet age where people are focusing more on social media sources rather than reading newspaper articles or simply watching the news.
*What are examples from your own life that have brought you, or somebody you know, unusual positive or negative results as a consequence of being curious?
This summer I was lucky enough be an orientation leader. At my own Orientation one of the most impactful experiences I had was watching LINES, which is a student production discussing different issues of diversity and people of underrepresented backgrounds. LINES stands for leaning into new experiences and situations. This performance forced me to look deeper into problems with the LGBTQI communities, a topic I didn’t know much about. One of the most positive things I gained is that it’s important to simply “lean in” and ask questions, engage in uncomfortable conversations and not be afraid of what the results may be.
Response to Open-ended Questions (3 of 6)
- Google has tremendously affected my curiosity. A plethora of possibilities just at my finger tips. Information available at an instant. Anything I am interested in I can easily obtain information on using google.
- In my life I am most curious about how to become an entrepreneur. I fuel that curiosity by going to school and doing research for assignments.
- I believe curiosity can be both an individual and group stimulated. Idea can be discussed in a group environment that may spark greater curiosity in an individual and then used to build on top of what the group is working on.
- I am most curious about Asia, China in particular. Asia is a whole other half of the world I have not explored and a culture I have not yet experienced hands one. China is one of the world largest economies and I would like to understand how it works and what affects if can have on all other economies.
- The curiosity in young people is rising and it fuels the mind to keep on wanting to gain more and more information around the things that interest them most in life.
- Social medial impacts curiosity by allowing people to seek information on what the world around them is up to and giving them access to that information opens the mind to different perspectives of many individuals around the world.
- In my life something positive that has come out being curious is becoming fit/healthy. Signing up for a gym with no idea on how to properly lift weights has lead to observe carefully on what others are doing while at the gym and doing research online when I’m home. The results lead to significant decrease in body fat and overall better physical fitness.
Response to Open-ended Questions (4 of 6)
Google as a search engine greatly stimulates my curiosity because it provides unlimited answers to endless questions one may have pertaining to any topic or person. It is difficult to pinpoint one topic I am most curious about. I love to study human behavior and the driving forces behind what makes people do what they do. I enjoy learning about structures of power and their relation to one another. Such as how economies function in relation to politics and global affairs. I also enjoy learning about political histories of different countries and political systems in general. As I have already informed you philosophy and recently evolutionary biology. I satisfy these curiosities mainly by reading. Or take courses that pertain to them directly or indirectly.
The middle east is the area in the world I’m most curious currently. I want to have a more in-depth understanding of the different conflicts and divisions within the area. I’m also curious about Sharia law and how it is implemented in all those different countries. I think the level of curiosity among young people is declining. It is my belief that being curious and wanting to discover and create is part of human nature. As disheartening as this may sound, the current education system is what I believe stifles curiosity the most. Of course, this is tied to our business culture and economic system.
For almost every subject especially math and science the way in which it is taught truly kills curiosity for students who are sincerely interested in them. What I want to stress here is the methodology and the removal of practice or application when learning something. For instance, when a student truly loves science, but has a high school geology teacher that structures the class so he has to memorize all these terms for an exam in order to pass instead of creating a hands-on experience lab where the student can learn hands on how sedentary rocks relate to tectonic plates and a desire to learn is cultivated within the student he comes think that what his teacher has presented him is how work is done in science departments.
This carries over to almost all other disciplines. This in effect destroys the curiosity of students. The way in which the subject matter is presented is critical to the cultivation of curiosity. Additionally, many students enter college with the mindset that they must study whatever will enable them to make the most money. Ignoring what they’re passionate about. Social pressures and our capitalist culture heavily contribute to this.
Social media to my knowledge stagnates curiosity only insofar as it distracts people from what they’re studying or learning. Some positive consequences of me being curious have been receiving positive affirmation from my professors. Having them challenge me more critically and expect more from me. This has made a better student. Also, I’ve developed the habit of reading a book or two every month. I’ve never had negative consequences to being curious.
Response to Open-ended Questions (5 of 6)
*How does Google affect your level of curiosity?
I feel it both fuels it and at times squashes it! If I suddenly wonder how many US presidents took a stance on abortion- I can know it in a second. I can foster curiosity and learn about issues, concepts, ideas, people! From any place in the world or any point in history and I think that’s beautiful. I think it’s beautiful I can learn anything from the internet. At the same time though, it’s killed my spelling skills. I don’t memorize new words or how to spell them anymore because I can just google it. It’s made things easier for me in a lot of ways and I know I’ve gotten lazier.
*Describe what it is in life that you are most curious about; how do you satisfy that curiosity?
I’m most curious about the way that people interact with each other in the context of any relationship or lack thereof. I love watching couples, friends, family members, or strangers interact with each other. There’s something so special and strange about the way that people speak to each other and try to understand each other and I love it. It’s a subject that no one will ever fully understand; I think that’s why I write so many films about relationships (friendships and romantic ones). It’s because I’m trying to learn more through writing and analyzing.
*Is curiosity purely an individual endeavor or can it be stimulated through group discussions?
I think curiosity can be stimulated through group discussion because different people can bring up different points of view and introduce new topics that you otherwise might not have been exposed to.
*Which geographical area of the world are you most curious about? Why?
I’m not concerned with any specific region of the world specifically but I find myself very inspired by suburbs. Not sure if that answers the question but I really find how people interact with suburban life incredibly interesting.
*Is the level of curiosity among young people rising, falling, or staying the same? Why?
I don’t really think that can be measured in regards to age or any other true marker because there’s just millions of young people and people in general. There’s no way to really measure if people are more or less curious. I can only speak to people I’ve met as a whole. I’ve met a lot of people my age who don’t seem to be creative or curious. But I’ve also met people younger than me that are absolute geniuses. I think that the brilliance of curiosity is that it’s individual. Yes it can be stimulated temporarily by others but it’s innate in the fabric of who you are.
*What is the impact of social media on curiosity?
I think social media can open ideas to more people but that it’s also created a way to see what others are doing all of the time. I think it mostly depends how you use social media. Some can use a website or tumblr page to craft inspiration boards, write creatively, or post photos. Others can simply snap photos for likes. I think it truly depends what means you are using it for.
*What are examples from your own life that have brought you, or somebody you know, unusual positive or negative results as a consequence of being curious?
Personally, I found what I wanted to do in life because I was curious. In regards to how I found my start in film, it was essentially following photographers and bloggers online and loving how vibrantly they captured their life. I was curious as to how they seemed so happy and so reflective of their lives. I’d always loved learning about others and finding ways to catalogue my feelings so when I began my journey of filmmaking, I found that it was my passion. It was the perfect combination of everything I had ever loved. And it aided my curiosity because I’m constantly learning- whether that be through writing, editing, or directing, I always have to be learning something. So, being curious has helped me build a future for myself.
Response to Open-ended Questions (6 of 6)
*How does Google affect your level of curiosity?
Due to the existence of Google and the internet, I feel like Google stifles and encourages my own curiosity. I think that because almost anything I can think about is on Google, it takes away the joy that comes from researching a certain subject or question. If I’m thinking about cooking something I can immediately find it online, but when it comes to personal questions about life such as raising a family of emigrating from one country to another, I find that talking to different people from different cultures is more beneficial than Googling the subject.
*Describe what it is in life that you are most curious about; how do you satisfy that curiosity?
The one thing that I am most curious about in life is how far someone’s potential can take them. I’ve always wondered just how far someone can really go whether it be in their personal or professional life (or both). I remember a quote by animator Monty Oum, “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve. It may not be immediate, and often your greater dreams is something you will not achieve within your own lifetime. The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.” This idea is one that helps me realize that anyone can do anything, it’s solely a matter of if you allow yourself to do so. A lot of times people don’t do what they want because they’re afraid of failure, but how can you fail if you don’t give yourself the opportunity to try?
*Is curiosity purely an individual endeavor or can it be stimulated through group discussions?
I think curiosity is a combination of individual endeavor and stimulation. I think that in order to grow curiosity it needs to be stimulated by group discussion, world news, spiritual questions, etc. but at the same time I think that people can only grow their curiosity if they want to.
*Which geographical area of the world are you most curious about? Why?
I’ve always been curious about Japan and the Japanese culture. That country has greatly influenced the way we make things and buy things and even look at things. Anime (Japanese animation) has become widely popular here in the United States and has even led to American adaptations for popular anime shows. Moreover Japan has introduced a new level of competition for the United States when it comes to the automotive industry as well as advancing technology and health care.
*Is the level of curiosity among young people rising, falling, or staying the same? Why?
I think it is definitely falling due to the availability of the internet. More and more I see children on their phones instead of looking at the world around them. I think that because of this, younger generations are going to feel overly privileged when it comes to knowledge because anything they could ever imagine is already online.
*What is the impact of social media on curiosity?
Social Media I think is both positive and negative because it allows people to quickly communicate, but because it’s so widely available, people don’t really find themselves thinking or experiencing things. Instead they spend most of their time on the internet.
*What are examples from your own life that have brought you, or somebody you know, unusual positive or negative results as a consequence of being curious?
I remember one time when I was in Boy Scouts I was fishing with a friend of mine and we weren’t catching anything so I was wondering what would happen if I used my hand as bait like in fishing tv shows. Sure enough my hand got bit by a catfish, but on the bright side I caught a catfish and had a nice dinner.
Thank you for your contributions to the Curiosity Project: Jeffrey, Kim, Fernando, Kevin, Chelsea, David, Emily, Vilma, Cesar, Syane, Bob, Alejandro, Ana, Blasley