A Political Platform
… as drawn up on the back of a New Jersey diner placemat in January of 2012.
Enactment of a true DREAM Act
Balanced federal budget on a rolling four-year basis
Decisions on gay marriage and abortion legislation retained at the state level
Removal of all American shooting troops currently stationed on foreign soil
Implementation of a Progressive Consumption Tax, with higher rates than at present
Elimination of the corporate tax on dividends
A minimum cash tax rate for all companies
An inflator for all federal sources of college financial aid
Extend unemployment benefits to three years if one year used as a grant for documentable retraining
Increase community access to public school buildings, with payment to offset incremental costs
Partially privatize social security, by individual choice, make it fully funded
Shift prison spending for drug offenders to rehab facilities, including basic education
Make GED classes mandatory for all prisoners without high school diplomas
… at first blush four years later, I would not change anything above.
… on second re-reading, maybe I should be required to add a couple of thoughts, like a comment on Obamacare or immigration beyond simply a DREAM Act or the naming of a new Supreme Court Justice or gun control.
Nah, it is too much fun simply watching Trump and Sanders push the envelope of pragmatic sanity, confuse and irritate the elites of both coasts, and make one think warmly about that inexpensive house in Nicaragua if either dons the Presidential robe.