Accountability without it, regression to the mean, or lower
Books portable repositories of both knowledge and stimuli
Budget Autonomy dollars and decisions must be coupled
Computers for meaningful research
Copiers quick response to situation
Critical Thinking Skills necessary for negotiating life
Dialogue discussions sharpen and broaden the mind
Dress Code delete consumer competition for a few hours
Extended Day/Year more challenges require more time
Goals if you don’t know where you are going, any route is fine
High Expectations better to aim high and fall short than succeed at low level
Hiring Autonomy vision, mission, and implementers must be linked
Intelligent Leadership necessary in any organization
Intentionality important purposes require a deliberative approach
Inquiry is necessary to stay current and to have perspective
Math without skill here, vulnerable to shenanigans of others
Open Doors friendliness and confidence re all constituencies
Orderliness saves time for important things
Parental Investment education is a 24/7 task
Passion makes the hard stuff easier and the journey fun
Phones communication needed among all involved
Purposefulness want to get some things done, and let others simmer
Reading a self-evident must
Small Classes are better for individuality and dialogue
Small School so everybody knows everybody
Smiles are much preferred to anything else
Teachers are the key ingredients to the whole deal
Teacher Talk Time to share ideas and stories and other information
Vision to be able to rise above the day and see the future
Writing helps all other skills, which in turn help writing
In addition to reading, writing, and math, learn keyboarding, dancing, swimming, bicycling, cooking. They facilitate social interaction and are sustainable skills/avocations throughout life.