Mentoring is all the rage, especially among professionals who desperately want to “give back” without unduly interrupting their money-making activities. And what better way to accomplish the needed interaction between mentor and mentee than through e-mail, Skype, Facetime, Whatsapp, and other communication devices that are oh so convenient. No need to take oneself out of their comfort zone, to walk in the shoes of the young person being saved by the good wishes of the professional.
And many times no real training. Success instead emanates from a big heart and that caring attitude which is so typical of people working long hours to afford their McMansion in suburbia or their high-priced condo in center city. In no time at all, the minority kid will be happily posing for a photo-op, the non-minority arm triumphantly slung around the shoulders of this youngster who has been rescued from a life without hope. No need to delve into the reasons behind the latter; the emotional deficit can be filled by somebody picked from the mentor yellow pages.